AMSSOI has established SC/ST Cell in the year 2019 as per the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989 No.33 dated
11/09/1989) as per AICTE norms.

The following are the members of the committee

S.NoNameDesignationposition in the Committee
1Prof K. VijayalakshmiDirectorChairperson
2Ms P VenupriyaAssociate ProfessorCoordinator
3Ms Natarajan Ramya Assistant ProfessorMember
4Ms.J.SwathiAssistant ProfessorMember
5Chilakeswaram AnushaMBA I year studentStudent Member
6Sala SailajaMBA I year studentStudent Member
7Mr K RajuAdminMember

The members shall review and discuss the matters relating to SC/ST candidates and take the remedial measures to dispose such matters. The committee meets at
least two times in a year.

Functions of SC/ST committee

  • To co-ordinate and implement various policies and programmes launched by the Central Government, MHRD, UGC and State Government for the benefit of the SC/ST students.
  • It undertakes the activities to develop awareness among the SC/ST students, especially from the rural areas. The faculty members of the Cell are actively engaged in coordinating and solving the problems in matters related to SC/ST students.
  • Announce details of free coaching programs, start-ups, government scholarships and fellowships through circulars to the SC/ST students from time to time as and when notified by Central Government, MHRD, UGC and State Governments.