The library at AMSSOI has a wide collection of several titles on various subjects and regularly subscribes to leading International and National Journals and Magazines. The library is upgraded every semester as per the requirements and requests of staff and students. The college provides a collection of 1158 titles, 2729 volumes of books. Also subscribed to digital library ‘DELNET’ to provide more up to date research database of e-journals
National Journals
- Indian Journal of Marketing
- Indian Journal of Finance
- Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management
- AIJER : Arthashastra- Indian Journal of Economics and Research
- SCMS : Journal of Indian Management
- IUJ Journal of Management
- Soft Skills
- Financial Risk Management
- University News
International Journals
- International Journal of Management
- Global journal of Human Resource Management
- Competition Affairs
- Indian Management
- The Smart Manager
- Employment News
- Corporate Citizen